Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Dynamic Women in Leadership Summit

    • Welcome to Dynamic Women in Leadership Summit

  • 2

    Diane's Training

    • Three Shifts to Improve Your Energy & Your Confidence with Diane Rolston

    • Be a Dynamic Leader: The 3 Dangerous Trends Leaders Face that Keep Them Overworked, and Overwhelmed with Diane Rolston

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    Speaker Gifts

    • Speaker Gifts PDF File

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    Day 1 Interviews

    • The 3 Most Powerful Secrets to Make Podcast Guesting the Most Profitable Lead Generator in your Business with Michelle Abraham

    • Get Real Results with Facebook Ads! with Sherri-Lee Woycik

    • Fear can be an Opportunity with Paula Kent

    • The Power of The Pause: Slowing Down to Speed Up with Megan Nolan

    • Insulin Resistance--the silent disease that is killing you and your business with Jennie Hays

    • How Leaders Can Fuel Themselves Easily with Jacquie McKinney Rougeau

    • 6 Serious Myths that Suck our Energy, Steal our Dreams, and Allow Us to Feel Misunderstood with Tammy Adams

    • Panel Discussion with Diane Rolston, Paula Kent and Talia Dashow

    • Q&A with Paula Kent, Sherri-Lee Woycik, Jennie Hays and Diane Rolston

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    Day 2 Interviews

    • How to Stop Procrastinating: Four Ways to Overcome the Three Major Obstacles to Productivity with Talia Dashow

    • Human-centred, Happy, and Connected: Building the Best Possible Virtual Workplace with Ali Macintyre

    • From Survive to Thrive - How Change Management Skills Strengthen Business Success with Catherine Deluca

    • Writing and Publishing Your Short Book is Easy as 1-2-3 with Mila Johansen

    • Bundle Your Brilliance: Turn your expertise into high profit programs with Nancy Giere

    • Gratitude And Appreciation In The Workplace, Family And Yourself with Kathy Fester

    • Less Work More Weekend with Catherine Avery

    • The 5 Secret Ways to Strengthen Your Resilience Muscle with Blair Kaplan

    • The Leadership Wellness Model with Karen Kobel

    • TO BE ADDED: The 1-Touch Rule: How to Optimize Productivity and Become a More Effective Leader with Hanieh Sigari

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    Special Group Q&A Coaching Session June 16th

    • Special Group Q&A Coaching Session