Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante vitae nulla vulputate elementum. Maecenas imperdiet malesuada lacinia. Donec sit amet aliquet urna. Nam sit amet eros dapibus, commodo ligula a, imperdiet mi. Fusce rhoncus eros in leo rutrum, at lobortis leo sodales. Quisque nibh tellus, rutrum placerat turpis ac, ullamcorper suscipit nisl. Nullam faucibus quam a leo imperdiet, vel blandit nibh iaculis. Duis efficitur ipsum eu eros fermentum, in volutpat erat tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet vulputate sem. Donec vel facilisis est. Morbi vitae mollis massa, sed maximus ex. Duis elit orci, scelerisque ut erat eu, tincidunt euismod erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante vitae nulla vulputate elementum. Maecenas imperdiet malesuada lacinia. Donec sit amet aliquet urna. Nam sit amet eros dapibus, commodo ligula a, imperdiet mi. Fusce rhoncus eros in leo rutrum, at lobortis leo sodales. Quisque nibh tellus, rutrum placerat turpis ac, ullamcorper suscipit nisl. Nullam faucibus quam a leo imperdiet, vel blandit nibh iaculis. Duis efficitur ipsum eu eros fermentum, in volutpat erat tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet vulputate sem. Donec vel facilisis est. Morbi vitae mollis massa, sed maximus ex. Duis elit orci, scelerisque ut erat eu, tincidunt euismod erat.

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About the instructor

CEO & Founder of Dynamic Women™

Diane Rolston

As an Award-Winning Coach, Speaker, and the CEO of Dynamic Women® Global Club, Diane Rolston has been called THE expert on being Dynamic. She is a behind-the-scenes advisor and coach for many professionals, business owners, and high achievers. She helps her clients to have “clarity” on what to focus on, the “confidence” to go for it, and an “action” plan so they have tangible steps to reach the best results.

Diane left the life of the 9-5 employee and simultaneously became an entrepreneur and mother. Now a mother of two, business owner, and community leader she considers herself an expert in change, work/life balance, efficiency, and prioritizing!

She has received many awards including:

• Top 50 Mom Podcaster 2 years in a row,

• Leading Mom Award Winner,

• Vancouver Top Mom Blogger,

• and “Women of Worth” Motherpreneur of the Year among others.

Diane’s diverse experience enables her to have a deeper understanding of what it takes to achieve your best and live with more confidence and satisfaction. She believes we are not defined by our titles and our roles, instead we are more powerful and happy when we can be who we are. This brought out “Dynamic You”, a book and a program, where she leads women to unleash the Dynamic Woman in them.

When speaking to groups ranging from 10-10,000+, on her podcast and in her Coaching, she teaches anyone who wants to increase their results, how to correctly plan out their business and life and increase their confidence.

Diane is interested in win-win joint ventures and speaking opportunities in which she and her partners can support each other’s long-term goals.

You’re invited to reach out to Diane and visit her website www.dianerolston.com

www.dianerolston.com https://www.facebook.com/LifeCoachDiane https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianercoaching/ https://twitter.com/DianeRCoaching https://www.instagram.com/coachdianerolston/ https://www.youtube.com/user/DianeRolstonCoaching

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